![]() July 2nd The Eternity of the Precious Blood
St. Peter tells us (I Peter i. 20) that the
Precious Blood of Christ was "foreknown before the
foundations of the world." From all eternity God
had decreed that the Precious Blood of the Word
made Man should be shed for us. Before man had
sinned. God had provided a remedy, and had
determined that if man should rebel against the
sovereignty of God, He would not cast the rebel
off, but would redeem him from sin, even at such
a price as this. How can we sufficiently admire the
love and mercy of God, thus counteracting the effect
of sin even before it was committed! God's foreknowledge of what was to happen did not affect the perfect freedom of the human will, any more than the presence of a spectator affects the freedom of those whose actions he watches. God determined that the Precious Blood should be shed because He foreknew that man would sin, and he foreknew that man would sin, because in His omniscience. He foresaw that man acting freely would use his freedom to disobey. Make an act of faith in man's freedom and God's foreknowledge. When God looks forward at my life what does he foresee? This depends on myself and on my voluntary choice of good or of evil. What return from me for the inestimable gift of the Precious Blood does He foresee? Am I going to grieve and wound Him, Who, from all eternity, decreed that His Precious Blood should be shed to win for me the Kingdom of Heaven? |